authentic conversations


The first newspaper I worked for as a freshly minted journalist had a monthly bulletin that doled out kudos and critiques to the writers and editors.

We would applaudcolleagues for snappy headlines, compelling writing, and beating the competition on a hot news story.  The staff wasinvited to nominate the best news and feature articles, and the final winners were chosen by a rotating committee. This also helped shine a light on the unsung heroes of the copy desk, which highlightedmistakes caught before our readers ever saw them in print, and helped us learn what not to do again. The mistakes that did get through weren't ignored, nor were other areas that needed improvement. Everyone was encouraged to contribute.

One of the monthly “awards” I have learned to particularly appreciate over the years was called The Good Try that Didn’t Work.

Our editor, Max Jennings, believed passionately in helping people on staff try something different. Whether we were crafting a story, photographing a news event, or designing a page, Max didn’t want us to be afraid to butt our heads against perceived boundaries. He didn't believe in playing it safe.

 One of his favorite sayings was, “If it ain’t broke, let’s break it so we can fix it.” So the Good Try That Didn't Work was a way to celebrate attempts to push beyond our comfort zones, even when those attempts fell flat. His influence fostered one of the most dynamic, creative, passionate organizations I have ever worked in.

I was reminded of this when I saw that Seth Godin had released a book called Poke the Box.

In a Q&A published on his Amazon book page, he says that conformity once was crucial to success, but compliance has become a killer in today’s competitive world. “We need to be nudged away from conformity and toward ingenuity. Even if we fail … we learn what not to do by experience and doing the new.”

So take the initiative to try something completely different. Maybe, if you're lucky, it will be a mistake and you'llhave a reason to celebrate and learn.


Photo by hoozone/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by hoozone/iStock / Getty Images

We met when we were 12, and through teenage angst, volatile relationships, two marriages (each) and decades of housing each other's confidences, we seemed to be through.

Radio silence. The rift we didn't think was possible began after my third marriage and continued for years. Then one day my phone rang, her name in my caller ID. I answered.

Both of us wanted to mend our relationship, but I knew I didn't want to return to the relationship we had before. I wanted to renegotiate, and happily, she was willing. After several weeks of intense, emotional conversations we were back on track and have been ever since. I'm grateful.

Constancy and consistency are rare in relationships, whether at work, in families or among friends. As we grow and change, it makes sense that some relationships no longer fit so well, like that pair of too-tight jeans. Letting go of those that no longer serve us could be the answer. But when we want or need relationships, renegotiating boundaries or ground rules can be a way to save them.

At work, for instance, you may not have the option of abandoning a relationship that isn’t working well. In families or friendships, history and love might keep you bound, but you long to shift the ways you relate. A conversation of renewal can help.

Here is an outline of the conversation I had with my friend. In ourhistory, I had often been indirect — or even untruthful — and put my needs aside in favor of hers. The trust we once shared was eroded.

 If you choose to have this kind of conversation, authentically choosing goodwill and connection is foundational. If you feel things heating up, agree to take a break so you both can refocus on your connection and your intention for the relationship.

  • Be clear about the purpose of the conversation: “I want to talk with you about some difficulties (or changes I’d like to see) in our relationship. Are you willing?”

  • Name the issue: “My experience is we don’t feel comfortable telling each other the truth.”

  • Ask for their views of the issue and your contribution: “How do you see the situation? What have I contributed to the lack of trust between us?”

  • Extend understanding and own your contribution: “You’re right. I haven’t always been honest for fear of making you angry or losing the relationship. In addition, sometimes I have told you one thing, and then talked to others about how I really feel.”

  • Frame choices about how to proceed: “The way I see it, we can continue this way or make conscious changes to create trust in our relationship. That’s what I would like. What choices do you see?”

  • State your intention to make it work: “I am committing to tell you the truth as I see it, and to hear the truth from you without getting defensive or combative.”

  • Ask for agreement and commitment: “Are you willing to make a similar commitment? Are there other commitments you see we should be making here?”

  • Talk about future steps or another conversation: “My intention is to start changing today. But I’d like to keep this conversation going. How would you like to proceed?

  • Factor in feedback: If you see me slipping back in to old habits and patterns, I'd like you to call me out on that. How would you like me to give you feedback?

Forgiveness and letting go of the past are essential. And don't expect major changes overnight, especially if you have a long history, But a conversation like this can be a great start for living out your intentions authentically. It will create relationships you can believe in with the people who are important to you.



Who besides you can impose accountability? I asked this question of a young woman, an HR professional, during a workshop onemployee engagement being presented by our friends and fellow Berrett-Koehler authors Dick and Emily Axelrod.

They had asked us to pair off with someone we didn't know. My conversation partner was a young woman who had begun working as an HR manager eight months earlier after earning a master’s degree in Organization Development. Her question about accountability got my attention.

HER: What do you think are really effective ways to hold other people accountable?

ME: I don’t believe you can hold other people accountable. That is one of the big myths in organizations, and this false belief that we can hold others accountable ends up wasting a huge amount of time and energy. People are always making their own choices about whether they're going to be accountable.

HER: But … but we have to be able to hold other people accountable to be effective!

ME: Can I ask who holds you accountable?

HER: Well, my boss holds me accountable. That is part of his job.

ME: So… if you didn’t have a boss watching you to make sure you did good work, you wouldn’t? You’d just show up and do the bare minimum in order to collect a paycheck?

HER: Of course not! I’m really committed to doing a good job! I take a lot of pride in the quality of my work.

ME: So then who is really in charge of your accountability?


We played this game on a road trip awhile back -- or maybe you could call it a combination of wager and game.

I challenged Jamie to one hour of judgment-free conversation. The first person to make a judgmental statement would lose. We would be limited to descriptive language – no judging allowed. For instance, I was prohibited from saying, “Jamie, you are speeding” but I could say “Honey, you are going 80 and the posted speed limit is 65.”

If we stopped for lunch, we couldn’t say, “That waitress gave us crappy service.” Instead we would have to describe it: “It took five minutes for that waitress to acknowledge us, and another 15 minutes before we got the water we asked for. She did not bring the salsa we requested. And I never saw her smile once.”

What was the point? 

We often bury assumptions in the statements we make and the questions we ask. “Why are you ignoring me?” is a judgment that may raise the hackles of someone who is lost in thought but has not meant to ignore you. Why not try: “I asked you three questions in five minutes and you have yet to respond. What’s going on?”

So try the No Judgment Allowed game. I dare you! And then let us know how long you lasted.

We didn’t make it to 20 minutes.


We've been seeing a lot of James Carville lately. We watched him doing his TV commentary during the Democratic National Convention coverage last night, and last week we saw him with his wife, Mary Matalin, at a Phoenix Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Their mastery of democrat/republican political spin is unparalleled, and watching them together is something to behold.

Typically we would consider “spinning” a manipulative conversational technique, because it is a way of framing information to get someone to buy into your point of view without revealing that intention. However, as spin is a large part of how Carville and Matalin make a living, I suppose you could characterize their “conversation” as authentic because you know up front that their intention is to spin to influence. It’s in their job description.

Everybody talks about what an odd couple they make, but they’ve been married 15 years so they must be doing something right. Near the end of his talk, Carville revealed one of their secrets by saying he would rather be married to someone who is a thinker and passionate about her point of view than to someone who doesn’t pay attention to what’s going on in the world or have an opinion. I think that is completely cool. And I admire their ability to make it work, because most of the political conversations I have with people on the other side of the aisle typically result in tense silence or verbal assault. My contribution to the difficulty is that I often let passion overwhelm me to the point that I am determined to convince rather than connect. It becomes about winning the point rather than seeking to understand and to be understood. But I am working on changing that, and I'd love to see our society start reaping all the benefits of civil, authentic conversations that help expand our thinking and enhance our decision-making.

We are in the early stages of a project with a few other Berrett-Koehler authors to encourage people to have these conversations and give them some useful conversational skills to make them productive. We'll keep you posted as the project progresses -- we hope to have something tangible ready before the November election.

In the meantime, if you're interested in our suggestions on how to do this, check out this document.


  • After six hours of “brutally honest” conversations between quarterback Brett Favre and Green Bay Packers management, they parted ways.
  • Jim Collins, who authored From Good to Great, says one of the key differences between good companies and great ones is their ability to “confront the brutally honest facts.”
  • One company uses “brutal” in its statement of values:We believe in "brutal conversations"; the ability to be honest, direct and challenging with each other while always being professional. We will never tell yo u "what you want to hear", but we will tell you what you need to hear.

What does the word “brutal” add to that statement? And how do you square “being professional” with being brutal? Let’s look behind the cliché and see it for what it is.

Merriam-Webster defines brutal like this: Befitting a brute: as a: grossly ruthless or unfeeling b: cruel, cold-blooded c: harsh, severe d: unpleasantly accurate and incisive.

Why would honesty have to be brutal to be effective? Does the truth have to leave us bloodied and reeling in order for it to have an impact? Truth can be hard to hear even when delivered with kindness and goodwill. When people held up a mirror for me, and I often didn’t find the reflection particularly attractive. But that was about me, not the honesty of the reflection.

In my experience, the times the truth became brutal – whether delivered or received – had to do with a desire to land a punch. The intention was to hurt, or to exercise authority, or deliver bad news in a cruel way.

Honesty? By all means. Brutal? You'd need to build a strong case to convince me that's necessary. Perhaps we could start thinking about “compassionately honest conversations.”

Or better yet, we could wish for the day when “conversations” wouldn’t need to be modified by the word “honest.”